May 3, 2011

Conference in Santiago 2011

The International Geographical Union Regional Conference was organized in Santiago, Chile, in the period 14th to the 18th of November 2011. The venue for the Conference has been the “Liberator Bernardo O`Higgins” Military School. The meeting of the Local Development Committee accumulated many of the papers, presented in the six sessions (two days). Lecturers represented mainly Latin America, but there were also representatives from Czech Republic, Spain, USA, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Authors and the topic of the papers took dawn below:

14th November

·        Cetkovsky Stanislav - Conventional Energy Versus Renewable Energy: Divergences In Public Preferences
·        Frantal Bohumil - Impacts Of Renewable Energy Projects On Local Development: The Assessment By Local Authorities In The Czech Republic
·        Climent López Eugenio Antonio - La Calidad Del Vino Como Estrategia De Desarrollo Local: Una Mirada Desde La Teora De Las Convenciones
·        Castañeda Camacho Xochizeltzin - Determinacin De reas Potenciales De Desarrollo Local Con Base En El Aprovechamiento De Sus Recursos Naturales, Estado De San Lus Potos, Mxico
·        Fraga Nilson Cesar - Desarrollo Regional Y Local En El Vale Do Itaja, Santa Catarina, Brasil: Un Anlisis Del Territorio Socioambiental Y Cultural Sobre El Espacio Urbano
·        Ludka Vanessa Maria - Territorio, Paisaje Y Pequeas Ciudades: Un Estudio De Geografa Urbana De Bela Vista Do Toldo, Santa Catarina, Brasil.
·        Kronemberger Denise - Identificacin De Arreglos Institucionales Participativos Como Subsidio A Las Polticas De Desarrollo Local: Una Aplicacin A Los Municipios De Alagoa
·        Marszal Tadeusz- Local Development - Stagnation Vs Innovation The Experience Of Towns In Central Poland In The Last Two Decades

15th November

·        Nurković Rahman - Urbanization And Rural Development In Bosnia And Herzegovina
·        Alfaro Rodríguez Dionisio - Los Planes Territoriales Locales; El Caso De Cuatro Municipios En Costa Rica
·        Emy Carvalho Tanaka Juliana - The Local Dimension In The Regulation Theory The Relations Between Productive Unities And Spatial Dynamics By Proximity
·        Sandia Rondón Luis Alfonso - El Manejo De Conflictos Ambientales Como Herramienta Para La Sustentabilidad Ambiental
·        De La Mora Gabriela - Desarrollo Regional Y Proyectos De Servicios Ambientales: Un Estudio De Caso
·        Haynes Kingsley E. - The Location Of Business Support Programs: Does The Knowledge Context Matter?
·        Lois González Rubén Camilo - The Challenge Of Territorial Development In Rural Areas Of Latin America. A Case Analysis
·        Gabrielidis Graciela - Una Experiencia De Desarrollo Local: La Incubadora De Empresas En El Municipio Malarge
·        Mancilla-Campuzano Rene  - Transverse Axes Of Development; Socio-economic Development In The Tarapaca Region, Chile
·        Salvador Marynella - Indicadores De Competitividad Municipal De Atacama
·        Kolejka Jaromir - The Role Of Industrial Heritage In Present Cultural Landscape Typology
·        Gorría Ipas Antonio Jesús - The Highlands Of Teruel; Planning For A Territory With Low Demographic Density With Sustainability Criteria
·        da Costa Pereira Nélida Beatriz - Local Development At Borough Level; Tension In Consensus And The Conflict Over The Dimensions Of Territorial Variables
·        Poggi María Cecilia - Local Development And Sustainable Planning Of Terrritory; Review Of Technical-methodological Processes For Validating Operative Variables

Prof. zw. dr hab. Jerzy Banski
Professor of Human Geography
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Twarda str. 51/55 room 419
(+48 22) 69-78-919, (+48) 602-39-14-53